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Values 03

We like to be upfront about our values, because we approach every project & relationship with these ideals in mind. These values are core to who Edelmade is as a collective, and also to who we are as individuals.

  • Empathy

    We want to leave this earth better than we found it—so we place importance on partnering with people in underrepresented communities and on supporting ideas that better humanity while doing as little harm as possible to our planet.

  • Authenticity

    We are ourselves. We strive to be true to ourselves in both our design style and in our interactions. Each of us brings something unique to our studio and our work that, collectively, creates magical relationships and results.

  • Curiosity

    Change is constant, so we approach life and work with open minds and learning spirits. We’re not afraid to try something new and we believe our work and our lives can only improve because of it.

  • Standards

    We ask a lot of our clients. We ask that you not be afraid to try something new, that you have a passion or a “why” that drives you to be better in your work, that you treat others well, and above all, we ask that you trust we will do these same things for you.